For any man, the main condition for his own usefulness is healthy potency. With age, a large number of the stronger sex face problems in this area. A man does not always feel like seeking professional medical help. An effective way to solve the problem in such a situation is to turn to folk methods of increasing potency at home.

Traditional recipes for herbal treatment
Phytotherapy is the most common way to deal with various medical problems, including sexual dysfunction. This is due to the widespread availability of medicinal herbs, their low cost, low likelihood of side effects and the possibility of self-treatment at home without health risks.
There are a large number of recipes for the preparation of infusions, decoctions and drinks from herbs that have a therapeutic effect on men with problems in the genital area. You can purchase ready-made collections, or you can independently collect and prepare plants for use.
The following are the most common recipes for preparing herbal infusions and decoctions to increase potency.
Nettle decoction

Nettle is the most effective remedy for impotence. You can use the plant dry or fresh. To prepare the broth, take 50 grams of fresh leaves or 100 grams of dry ones. The leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, to which 1 teaspoon of honey is previously added. The broth is covered with a lid and infused for 15 minutes. You can drink the broth after cooling, like tea.
Ginseng decoction

Ginseng alone is an excellent medicinal plant. In combination with cinnamon and honey, it turns into an excellent remedy for men, strengthening erections and increasing libido. To prepare a medicinal decoction, 100 grams of ginseng, 50 grams of honey and 10 grams of cinnamon are required. Ginseng must first be infused for 2 days. To do this, pour half a liter of boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave in a dark place. Two days later, ginseng is put on fire and brought to a boil, honey is added to the boiled broth. The resulting mixture is continued to boil over low heat for 30 minutes, after which cinnamon is added to it. The broth must be kept on low heat for three hours, then removed from heat and put in a dark place to infuse for three days. The resulting broth should be taken 2/3 cup twice a day.
Infusion of thyme

This folk remedy also allows you to effectively restore potency. You need to take 100 grams of herbs and pour one glass of boiling water. The broth is infused until it cools completely. The cooled broth should be taken twice a day immediately after a meal.
St. John's wort

St. John's wort is considered a versatile medicinal plant that helps with the vast majority of ailments. To prepare an infusion of St. John's wort, you need to take 15 grams of herbs and pour them with a glass of cold water. You need to boil the infusion for 15 minutes, covering with a lid. The resulting broth must be insisted for 45 minutes, drain. The infusion is consumed one teaspoon during the day six times between meals.
For men with sexual dysfunction, St. John's wort is useful in that it increases potency, has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines and the entire genitourinary system.
Eleutherococcus prickly in its qualitative characteristics is similar to ginseng, therefore it has no less therapeutic effect on the male body. The great advantage of this herb is the absence of a pronounced feeling of arousal in the process of taking it. The effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of Eleutherococcus is manifested directly during intimacy in a stable erection and strong sex drive.
Other folk recipes
You can restore masculine strength not only with the help of herbal infusions. There are other popular ways of dealing with this problem. The following folk remedies give the most effective results.

Honey at all times was considered a powerful agent that stimulates male sexual function. To increase the effectiveness of honey, you can add carrot juice, ginger, nuts, wine, aloe juice to it. For example, you can mix 300 grams of honey with the same amount of nuts and 100 ml of aloe juice. The resulting mixture is recommended to take 35-40 grams per day.
White wine

White wine is the main ingredient in a natural sexual stimulant. To prepare a stimulating drink, you need to take a bottle (1 liter) of white wine, a glass of orange juice, half a glass of lemon juice, a tablespoon of liquor, two tablespoons of honey, a pinch of fresh mint leaves, a pinch of cinnamon. All ingredients are mixed and heated over low heat. The resulting drink is placed in the refrigerator for three days, after which it is filtered. It is necessary to drink this remedy immediately before the upcoming sexual contact, since it begins to act immediately after it enters the man's body.
Hop tea

Take one tablespoon of hop leaves and grind them thoroughly. Next, you need to pour the plant with a glass of boiling water and hold it for about 5 minutes over low heat. The resulting tea can be consumed after cooling down, half a glass three times a day.
Tea with ginger, saffron and cloves

If you add a little saffron, ginger and cloves to regular black tea to taste during brewing, then you get an effective tool for increasing the level of sexual desire in men.
It is important to take into account that each male organism is individual. The same recipe may be useful for one man and not very effective for another. It is recommended to try different options for increasing potency using folk methods and find the most suitable recipe.
Changing your diet
Proper nutrition is an important factor affecting a man's sexual health. To increase potency at home, you must give up the use of harmful products and include in your diet the maximum amount of nutrients.
Featured Products | Products not recommended |
Homemade lean meat | Fatty meat of industrial production |
A fish | Alcohol (beer is especially destructive for male potency) |
Dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, kefir) | Ice cream |
Nuts | Margarine |
Seafood (shrimp, crayfish, mussels, crabs, etc. ) | Fast food |
Seaweed | Baking, baked goods (in large quantities) |
Fresh fruits (oranges, pomegranates, lemon, figs are especially indicated for consumption) | Coffee (if consumed frequently) |
Fresh vegetables (onions, garlic, turnips) and herbs (cumin, mint, thyme, etc. ) | Smoked sausage |
Eggs | fried food |
Honey (a honey-nut mixture is especially useful) | Salt (if consumed in excess) |
Condiments |
Good household habits
A man can achieve an increase in potency by fulfilling a set of necessary conditions.
This implies not only the organization of the correct diet and the use of alternative methods of treating the problem, but also the development of a number of positive everyday habits.
Compliance with certain rules on a daily basis will not only increase sexual activity and maintain it in good condition, but also improve overall health and quality of life.

It is proposed to follow these simple recommendations:
- Take a daily contrast shower.Alternating hot and cold water while showering increases blood flow. Such stimulation of all body systems has a positive effect on the state of potency. It is important to start contrasting douches with a small temperature interval (slightly warm and slightly cool water), gradually increasing it. Ultimately, the man must come to an alternation of hot (not scalding hot) and cold (not ice cold) water. After taking such a shower, it is recommended to rub the body with a hard towel to a state of slight redness. It is advisable to start practicing contrast dousing in the warm season in order to gradually accustom the body to a similar hardening procedure before the onset of cold weather.
- Practice contrasting baths.If, for various individual reasons, a man cannot take a contrast shower, he has the option of taking a contrast bath. Such baths directly affect the genital area. For the procedure, it is necessary to prepare two basins. Pour hot water into one, cold water into the other. You need to sit down alternately in one basin, then in the second. Each dive should take at least 30 seconds. The procedure itself is recommended to continue for about 15 minutes.
- Take a relaxing bath.Since the nervous system plays a huge role in problems with potency in men, it is important to learn how to relax as much as possible to solve the problem. Relaxing baths can help. Such water procedures are recommended to be done before bedtime. In this case, the effect will be most significant. Soothing baths can be done by adding pine extracts, valerian, lavender, laurel leaves, etc. to the water.
- Walk barefoot often.Walking barefoot has a natural stimulating effect on the entire human body, including potency. This is due to the fact that in the area of the feet there are a large number of sensitive points, which are responsible, among other things, for a man's sexual activity. These points are not stimulated during standard walking in shoes, so it is recommended to walk barefoot more often. This can be done not only at home, but also at the summer cottage, on the beach, etc.
- Drink natural coffee in moderation.An excess of coffee, especially of low-quality instant coffee, affects the state of male potency and the whole organism extremely negatively. But, moderate consumption of natural coffee (no more than one coffee cup a day) has a positive effect on a man's sexual performance.

This is due to the ability of caffeine, which is the basis of the drink, to increase libido.
Compliance with these recommendations can lead to a positive result only if the man stably leads a correct lifestyle. Namely:
- Less nervous.Stress is the most common cause of potency problems. Problems in intimate life, in turn, provoke additional nervous tension. As a result, a man finds himself in a vicious circle of his own fears and neuroses. You can avoid the development of such a situation by carefully considering your own psychological state. It is important to organize your regime so that there is always a place for rest, entertainment, communication with friends, etc.
- Get enough sleep.Adequate sleep is the key to a man's sexual health. Chronic lack of sleep provokes feelings of fatigue, irritability, and health problems. All this negatively affects a man's libido.
- Give up alcohol, cigarettes, smoking mixtures, drugs, etc.

Bad habits have a destructive effect on the state of all body systems, but their negative impact on the sexual function of men is especially pronounced.
Physical exercises
In the process of performing physical exercises in men, blood circulation in the small pelvis increases. Also, after sports training, a man feels a surge of energy and positive emotions. All this has a beneficial effect on his sex life.
This guarantees the appearance of a stable erection.

The following exercises are especially effective:
- Genital training.This exercise improves sexual function. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, spreading your legs bent at the knees to the sides. It is necessary at regular intervals to strain and relax the area between the testicles and the anus. The buttocks should remain stationary during the contractions.
- Straining your legs.This exercise is performed while standing. You need to put your feet at some distance from each other and imagine that a stone is squeezed between them. It is necessary to tighten the muscles of the legs (as if squeezing a stone with your feet).
- Running in place.It is necessary, while remaining in place, to shift your legs.
- Raising the pelvis.It is necessary to lie on your back, legs bent at the knees to rest your feet on the floor. Raise the pelvic region and lower it back to the floor. Do some reps. The back should remain straight during the exercise, and the shoulder blades should touch the floor.
It is important to start the exercises with a minimum number of repetitions, gradually increasing their number. Regular implementation of this complex will gradually enhance sexual abilities and maintain them in proper condition.